Events and Conference of Department of Statistical Sciences
Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders
November 24, 2014 – November 25, 2014ORGANIZED BY: Federation of European National Statistical Societies (FENStatS), EUROSTAT, European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC).
Local Organization: Department of Statistical Sciences, Sapienza - University of Rome, Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), Società Italiana di Statistica SIS-VSP
_____________________________________________________BOOK OF ABSTRACTS
Morning 24 November, 2014, Aula Magna, Rectorate, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le A. Moro 5
Afternoon 24 and Day 25 November, Sapienza University of Rome, Didactic building via Caserta 6
The scope of the Conference is to enhance the dialogue between European methodologists, producers, and users of European Statistics identifying the requirements of the users (ESAC), the best practices of the production (EUROSTAT, NSIs), the innovative ways of visualising and communicating statistics, and the new methodological ideas for collecting and analysing data (FENStatS). Specific topics of high interest regard the development of the European Statistical System towards 2020 and. This is the occasion to investigate and present themes of research in official statistics within the scientific community, to explore the enabling instruments such as the Horizon 2020 Research Framework Programme, compare and share best practices of production, and a good opportunity to meet national and European users of statistics. The Conference is an operative tool to facilitate the evolution of statistics towards the 2020 modernisation targets.
CALL FOR PAPERS: All statistics stakeholders (methodologists, producers, users) are warmly invited to participate to this conference by submitting a paper, thus contributing to the advances of European Statistics of horizon 2020
Registration is mandatory for all participants (limited attendance – first come first served, with preference for presenters of papers); no registration fee will be required.
You can download the flyer of the conference.
The scientific program includes plenary, invited and contributed papers with oral presentation.
A selection of fully peer-reviewed papers will be for published in the Springer Series Selected Papers of the Statistical Societies.